Friday, December 28, 2007

What a Great Secret Sister I Have!!

Well, I am finally getting around to posting what my Scrap Etc. Forum (as opposed to the Yahoo Board SS which starts in Jan.) Secret Sister sent me in my December package! It was fabulous!! It came packed mostly in an adorable Christmas stocking. I got lots of Heidi Swapp stuff like her acrylic stamps, photo corners, heart chipboard shapes, and girlie stickers. Also received A girl phrases roller stamp, Great circle acrylic stamps form Kelly Panacci, Christmas colored Bath confetti(which my girls already want to use) and 2 Christmas cookie cutters and the most Fabulous Holiday Cookbook. Truth be told I am not the most proficient cook and stick to the easy recipes so I was not sure the cookbook was for me. BOY was I WRONG!! I made 6 of the recipes for Christmas Eve alone!! It is now one of my favorite things that came in my package. I had also received several cards leading up to Christmas from me Secret Sister, funny ones, containing Holiday BLING(my fav) and Making Memories holiday brads.
Oh I almost forgot in my December package was the most delicious Lemon Squares, they r not pictured because they r long gone..LOL u would need an x ray machine to look at those..LOL
So THANK YOU, THANK YOU,THANK YOU my Secret Sister.. I can't wait to meet you in April and I look forward to my Jan. package from you!! Here is a picture of the loot!!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Holiday Photos

Well today was the day Regina and I take our kids for their annual Christmas picture together and then we each do seperate ones for our Christmas cards!! What a pleasure this year, NO ONE was the most enjoyable Christmas photo shoot in 5 years!! Usually Regina and I walk in and the chaos starts and we start sweating and the photographer is trying to get them all together and looking at her and we just yell "TAKE THE PICTURE ALREADY". We didn't have to do any of that this year..It also helped that we decided to do it in matching pjs too this worrying about dressy clothes and stuff...what a relief..I guess it is a sign they r all growing up.. makes me a little sad. Anyway here are the photos from today!!